Aqua Aura - A Unique and Enchanting Gemstone


Aqua Aura is a stunning blue-green gemstone that is created by bonding natural Quartz crystals with pure Gold to produce a unique and enchanting color. The process of creating Aqua Aura involves heating the Quartz crystals to extreme temperatures, before vaporizing Gold and bonding it to the surface of the crystal through a process called vacuum deposition. The result is a gemstone that is both beautiful and rare, with a captivating shimmer that makes it a favorite among collectors and healers alike.

The History of Aqua Aura

The process of creating Aqua Aura was first discovered in the late 19th century by a German chemist named Robert Bunsen, who was experimenting with ways to create new colors in glass. Bunsen found that by heating certain elements to extremely high temperatures, he could create unique colors that had never been seen before. This discovery paved the way for the creation of Aqua Aura, which was first produced in the early 1900s by the French company Mécanique Céleste.

Although Aqua Aura has only been around for a relatively short time, it has quickly become a popular gemstone among healers and collectors due to its unique properties and stunning appearance.

Properties of Aqua Aura

Aqua Aura is a type of Quartz crystal that has been bonded with pure Gold, which gives it its distinctive blue-green color. The Gold also imbues the crystal with a subtle but powerful energy that is said to have healing properties for both the physical and spiritual body.

In addition to its color and energy, Aqua Aura is also known for its clarity and transparency, which makes it a popular choice for jewelry and other decorative objects. The crystal's surface is often covered in small, natural indentations and imperfections, which only add to its charm and uniqueness.

Uses of Aqua Aura

Aqua Aura is a gemstone that is often used in healing practices, due to its association with the throat chakra and its ability to promote clear communication and self-expression. The crystal's calming energy is also said to help with anxiety and stress, making it a popular choice for those looking to improve their mental health.

In addition to its healing properties, Aqua Aura is also a popular choice for jewelry and decorative objects due to its unique color and shimmer. The gemstone is often set in silver or gold and used in necklaces, earrings, bracelets, and other accessories.

Aqua Aura is also sometimes used in meditation practices, as its energy is said to help promote a deeper connection with the spiritual realm. Some practitioners believe that meditating with Aqua Aura can help enhance psychic abilities and promote spiritual growth and enlightenment.


Aqua Aura is a stunning and unique gemstone that has quickly become a favorite among collectors and healers alike. Its distinctive blue-green color and subtle yet powerful energy make it a popular choice for both jewelry and decorative objects, as well as for use in healing practices and meditation.

Whether you are drawn to Aqua Aura for its beauty or its energy, this rare and enchanting gemstone is sure to captivate and inspire you. So why not explore the world of Aqua Aura for yourself and discover the magic and wonder of this incredible gemstone?